the last weeks of preparation went well, I spent most of the time back home in meran...well...the temperature was not exactly what we triathletes like (approximate 0 C at morning and max 8 C), but my motivation for the last two races of the year was good, so no problem to go out and do what I had to do!
both races at phuket, the laguna phuket triathlon and the 70.3 phuket asia-pacific championship will show up great competitor fields, so they are exactly what I was looking for...a good possibility, after my stress fracture in july, to compete in a high class field and approach to a higher performance again!
and together with my friends of triathlontravel I'm sure we'll also have some fun under the hot thailand sun :-)
and...yes the two pics above...that's me - I did the laguna phuket triathlon in the remote 2004 ;-)
3 Kommentare:
Sono felice ed emozionato di rivivere il viaggio in Thailandia con te dopo 7 anni !
Sono felice ed emozionato di rivivere il viaggio in Thailandia con te dopo 7 anni !
sí marco, anch'io! é passato parecchio tempo, ma il feeling é quello di 7 anni fa, sarà un' altra bella esperienza!
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